Dressed up for Derby

Shop stunning Derby dresses in all styles.

Shop Derby Dresses

Graduation Dresses

Celebrate your graduation with a dress that'll make heads turn!

Shop Graduation

New arrivals for Men

Shop our selection of belts, polos, button downs, and pants.

Shop Men

The Finishing Touches

Make a statement jewelry by Enewton, Sheila Fajl, and more. Perfect for graduation, birthday, and Mother's Day gifts.

Shop Jewelry

New Spring Arrivals

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Located in NuLu Marketplace

Mamili offers casual and sophisticated women's clothing, jewelry and accessories, along with select men's and youth merchandise, as well as home accessories and gifts.

We also carry Derby hats by our sister store, Mad Hatter 502.


826 E. Main St.

Louisville, KY 40206

Store hours

Monday - Sat, 11am - 5pm

Sun, 12pm - 4pm 

Check out our Instagram page for more updates

